יצירה ושליפה של הפקדות בנק
API | Description |
GET api/v1/BankDeposits?token={token}&page={page}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&number={number} |
Cancel a CaspitWeb's documents. A document is an Invoice, a Receipt, etc.
API | Description |
POST api/v1/CancelDocument/{id}?token={token}&documentNumber={documentNumber}&trxTypeId={trxTypeId}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Cancel a document. Example:
Charge a credit card using a credit card token, expiration date, CVV and TZ
API | Description |
POST api/v1/ChargeCreditCard?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Charge a credit card using a token, expiration date, CVV and TZ |
Get contacts (customers, suppliers)
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Contacts?token={token}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize} |
Get a list of contacts |
GET api/v1/Contacts/{id}?token={token} |
Get a contact via its id |
GET api/v1/Contacts?osekMorshe={osekMorshe}&d={d}&token={token} |
Get a contact by its tax number (מספר עוסק מורשה)
GET api/v1/Contacts?email={email}&token={token}&page={page} |
Get contacts by email address
GET api/v1/Contacts/{id}/{association}?d={d}&token={token} |
Get the documents of a customer (e.g. Invoices, Receipts) or Expenses of a supplier for the given contact
POST api/v1/Contacts?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
יצירת לקוח חדש |
PUT api/v1/Contacts/{id}?token={token} |
עדכון לקוח קיים
DELETE api/v1/Contacts/{id}?token={token} |
Delete a contact.
Get contacts (customers, suppliers) balance
API | Description |
GET api/v1/ContactsBalance?token={token}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize} |
Get a list of contacts balance records
Save credit card details and get a token that represents the credit card for future billing.
API | Description |
POST api/v1/CreditCard?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Get a credit card token |
Get a list of currencies. The list is a list of CaspitCurrency. Take a look at the CaspitCurrency class located in the SDK under CaspitWeb.Api project in the Models directory
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Currencies?token={token}&page={page} |
Get a list of Currencies |
Create or modify CaspitWeb's documents. A document is an Invoice, a Receipt, etc.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Documents?token={token}&trxTypeId={trxTypeId}&page={page}&CustomerId={CustomerId}&Number={Number}&onlyOpenDocuments={onlyOpenDocuments}&datStart={datStart}&datEnd={datEnd} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/v1/Documents/{id}?token={token} |
Get a document by its id |
POST api/v1/Documents?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Create a new document |
PUT api/v1/Documents?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Update an existing document |
EMAIL api/v1/Documents/{id}?token={token}&documentNumber={documentNumber}&trxTypeId={trxTypeId}&lan={lan}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Send a document via mail.
PRINT api/v1/Documents/{id}?token={token}&documentNumber={documentNumber}&trxTypeId={trxTypeId}&lan={lan}&createSignedPdf={createSignedPdf} |
Emulate the printing of a document to paper.
Create or modify CaspitWeb's documents. A document is an Invoice, a Receipt, etc.
API | Description |
POST api/v1/EmailDocument/{id}?token={token}&documentNumber={documentNumber}&trxTypeId={trxTypeId}&lan={lan}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Send a document via mail. Example:
Get a list of payments for expenses for a given period
API | Description |
GET api/v1/ExpensePayments?token={token}&page={page}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Get ExpensePayments for a given period.
Get a list of Expenses for a given period
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Expenses?token={token}&page={page}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&status={status} |
Get Expenses for a given period.
POST api/v1/Expenses?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
API | Description |
POST api/v1/GenerateDeferredPaymentsInvoices?token={token} |
This method can only be used by Account 0 |
POST api/v1/GenerateDeferredPaymentsInvoices?businessId={businessId}&endDate={endDate} |
No documentation available. |
יצוא של חשבונות או תנועות לקובץ בפורמט חשבשבת
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Hashavshevet?token={token}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&exportType={exportType} |
Get either movein or heshin for Hashavshevet.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Kupa?token={token}&page={page}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&deposited={deposited} |
שליפה של התקבולים שהתקבלו ונמצאים בקופה או שהופקדו לבנק |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/LastDocumentsNumbers?token={token} |
Get the last document numbers of all the TrxTypes in Caspit
Get the Caspit log entries. This is helpfull if you receive an error containing no description, only a log id
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Log?token={token}&page={page}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&logId={logId} |
Get the log records filtered by the login user name
Get a token that will allow you to use the API calls.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/OpenAPIToken?token={token} |
Get the current OpenAPIToken. Example:
POST api/v1/OpenAPIToken?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Save a new OpenAPI Token to the database |
Get PDF documents
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Pdf/{id}?token={token}&documentNumber={documentNumber}&trxTypeId={trxTypeId}&lan={lan} |
Stream the PDF file of the given document.
Manage PreAuthorizedDebit (הוראות קבע)
API | Description |
GET api/v1/PreAuthorizedDebits?token={token}&page={page} |
שליפה של רשימה של הוראות קבע |
GET api/v1/PreAuthorizedDebits/{id}?token={token} |
Get a PreAuthorizedDebit via its id |
POST api/v1/PreAuthorizedDebits?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
יצירת הוראת קבע חדשה |
PUT api/v1/PreAuthorizedDebits/{id}?token={token} |
עדכון הוראת קבע קיימת
DELETE api/v1/PreAuthorizedDebits/{id}?token={token} |
Delete a contact.
Create or modify CaspitWeb's documents. A document is an Invoice, a Receipt, etc.
API | Description |
POST api/v1/PrintDocument/{id}?token={token}&documentNumber={documentNumber}&trxTypeId={trxTypeId}&lan={lan}&createSignedPdf={createSignedPdf}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Emulate the printing of a document to paper.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Products?token={token}&page={page} |
Get all the products from Caspit |
GET api/v1/Products/{id}?token={token} |
Get an existing product from Caspit |
GET api/v1/Products?catalogNumber={catalogNumber}&token={token}&page={page} |
Get a product by its catalog number |
POST api/v1/Products?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Create a product.
PUT api/v1/Products/{id}?token={token}&inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode={inCaseOfErrorReturnHttpCode} |
Update a product.
DELETE api/v1/Products/{id}?token={token} |
Delete a product by its id
Get a token that will allow you to use the API calls.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Token?user={user}&pwd={pwd}&osekMorshe={osekMorshe} |
Get a new Token. A token will allow you to access CaspitWeb for 10 minutes.
POST api/v1/Token |
Get a new Token. A token will allow you to access CaspitWeb for 10 minutes.
Get TrxCodes סיווגי תנועה
API | Description |
GET api/v1/TrxCodes?token={token} |
Get a list TrxCodes סיווגי תנועה
Get the VAT payments to be paid.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/VatData?token={token}&year={year}&month={month} |
Get the VAT payemnt details for the given month |
Get historical VAT rates
API | Description |
GET api/v1/VatRate?token={token}&date={date} |
Get a list of historical VAT rates