GET api/v1/Contacts/{id}?token={token}

Get a contact via its id

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionType/Additional information

The id that you supplied to CaspitWeb when the contact was created.
Contacts created in Caspit (and not via the API) have a unique id. You can get the contact
via some other API call and look it up the object that you get from the Caspit.




The access Token


Body Parameters


Response Description

A CaspitContact


לקוח או ספק בכספית

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "ContactId": "sample string 1",
  "ContactType": 1,
  "Number": 1,
  "BusinessName": "sample string 2",
  "OsekMorshe": "sample string 3",
  "Name": "sample string 4",
  "Address1": "sample string 5",
  "Address2": "sample string 6",
  "City": "sample string 7",
  "PostalCode": "sample string 8",
  "Country": "sample string 9",
  "Phone": "sample string 10",
  "Mobile": "sample string 11",
  "Fax": "sample string 12",
  "Email": "sample string 13",
  "TrxCodeNumber": 1,
  "TrxCode": "sample string 14",
  "OpenBalance": 1.0,
  "Balance": 1.0,
  "BalanceInvoiceIska": 1.0,
  "PriceListNum": 1,
  "Comments1": "sample string 15",
  "Comments2": "sample string 16",
  "Comments3": "sample string 17",
  "InvoiceComment": "sample string 18",
  "BankAcctNumber": "sample string 19",
  "BankAcctBranch": "sample string 20",
  "BankAcctBankId": 1,
  "ChargeVAT": true,
  "IsIsraeli": true,
  "IsOccasional": true,
  "AffiliateId": "sample string 23",
  "CCNumberToken": "sample string 24",
  "CCExpDate": "sample string 26",
  "CVV": "sample string 27",
  "PaymentTerms": 1,
  "PaymentTermsDays": 1,
  "PreferredPaymentTypeId": 1,
  "DateCreated": "2025-02-23T01:37:38.7800358+02:00",
  "UserCreated": "sample string 28",
  "DateUpdated": "2025-02-23T01:37:38.7800358+02:00",
  "UserUpdated": "sample string 29"

application/xml, text/xml

<CaspitContact xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <UserCreated>sample string 28</UserCreated>
  <UserUpdated>sample string 29</UserUpdated>
  <Address1>sample string 5</Address1>
  <Address2>sample string 6</Address2>
  <AffiliateId>sample string 23</AffiliateId>
  <BankAcctBranch>sample string 20</BankAcctBranch>
  <BankAcctNumber>sample string 19</BankAcctNumber>
  <BusinessName>sample string 2</BusinessName>
  <CCExpDate>sample string 26</CCExpDate>
  <CCNumberToken>sample string 24</CCNumberToken>
  <CVV>sample string 27</CVV>
  <City>sample string 7</City>
  <Comments1>sample string 15</Comments1>
  <Comments2>sample string 16</Comments2>
  <Comments3>sample string 17</Comments3>
  <ContactId>sample string 1</ContactId>
  <Country>sample string 9</Country>
  <Email>sample string 13</Email>
  <Fax>sample string 12</Fax>
  <InvoiceComment>sample string 18</InvoiceComment>
  <Mobile>sample string 11</Mobile>
  <Name>sample string 4</Name>
  <OsekMorshe>sample string 3</OsekMorshe>
  <Phone>sample string 10</Phone>
  <PostalCode>sample string 8</PostalCode>
  <TrxCode>sample string 14</TrxCode>